在互联网产业炙手可热的当下,硅谷大概是无数科技人心中的工作圣地,这里拥有着世界最先进的科技资源,同时也云集了最知名的顶级IT大佬。其中有一位女性,以其独特的个人魅力和传奇的人生,在以男性为主的大佬圈中为自己争得了一席之地,是当之无愧的女大佬。她就是雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),被誉为硅谷最有权势的女人。提起雪莉·桑德伯格这个名字,在硅谷无人不知无人不晓,她凭借极高的情商和出众的美貌成为技术男心中的女神,更以惊人的才华和智慧令无数女性同胞深深折服。
#To have and to hold#
In 2013 Sheryl Sandberg became famous, thanks to “Lean In”, her book about how women can control their own fate if they “lean in” to opportunities. But in 2015, the senior Facebook executive was reminded that you can lean in and still fail to control the direction of your life. While on holiday in Mexico, her husband, Dave Goldberg, suffered from a heart arrhythmia, fell off a treadmill and died.
Ms Sandberg shares a great deal of herself and what she has learned since in “Option B”, which she has written with Adam Grant, a professor of psychology and management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and author of “Originals”, a business book about “out-of-the-box” thinking. “Option B” takes its name from an anecdote in which Ms Sandberg tells a friend that she does not want to take part in a parent-child activity without Goldberg; with option A not available, she has to choose the second-best option.
At its core “Option B” is a self-help book for those who have been felled by despair. People who have not experienced tragedy often distance themselves from mourners, uncertain of what to say or how to act. But what mourners want is for others to recognize their pain, not hide from it. This book is a guide both for those who have directly suffered loss and for those who are close to people who have. Its optimistic thesis is that adversity can change people for the better. They can “bounce forward” after a tragedy and become more resilient.
Ms Sandberg tracks how her behavior and perceptions of life changed when she lost her husband. She acknowledges that she was too simplistic in her earlier book, telling women looking to excel professionally that they should share household chores with their husbands. Many women are single mothers, who raise children alone without a partner. MS Sandberg realized this when she found herself suddenly on her own, albeit with vastly more resources than most.
1. on grief 悲痛中
2. heroine 女主角
3. second-best option 次优选项
4. At its core 本质上
5. mourners 哀痛者
6. adversity 逆境
7. bounce forward 重新振作
8. resilient 坚韧
9. chore 零星工作
10. albeit 虽然
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